

In order to give you an insight into the results of a K.A.R.L.®-analysis, we have analysed some European sights as examples (*):



Location German English
Elbe Philharmonic Hall, Hamburg Pro-Report Pro-Report
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Pro-Report Pro-Report
Tower of London, London Pro-Report Pro-Report
Cologne Cathedral, Cologne Pro-Report Pro-Report
Grote Markt, Brussels Pro-Report Pro-Report
Charles Bridge, Prague Pro-Report Pro-Report
Eiffel Tower, Paris Pro-Report Pro-Report
Piazza San Marco, Venice Pro-Report Pro-Report
Colosseum, Rome Pro-Report Pro-Report
Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Pro-Report Pro-Report
National Archaeological Museum, Naples Pro-Report Pro-Report
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Pro-Report Pro-Report
Acropolis, Athens Pro-Report Pro-Report
Alhambra, Granada Pro-Report Pro-Report


Please contact us. We will advise you professionally and submit an individualised offer for your specific situation.

Phone: +49 (221) 397 61-200

E-mail: team.karl@koeln-assekuranz.com


(*) The analyses were created based on a standard vulnerability, without going into specific peculiarities of the individual sights. The risk values are given as a percentage of the total value at the respective site, which is statistically expected per year to be damaged by the individual natural hazards.